
Last week I was in headphones hunting and decided to get Bose SoundTrue headphones. At that time, I was in doubt when choosing two available models: On-Ear and Around-Ear. I did get the On-Ear model because it’s smaller and more compact when I bring it to travel. But after few days of usage, I found a deal-breaker issue: sound leakage. People around me can hear the music I’m listening, loud enough that they can even recognize the song if they know it. So I returned the On-Ear headphones and replaced it with Around-Ear model.

Bose SoundTrue is a relatively new model. It is basically a refresh to the previous AE2 models. There were 3 types of AE2 headphones: AE2 (basic), AE2i (plus remote for iDevices) and AE2w (plus Bluetooth connection). The new SoundTrue model has remote for iDevices plus built-in microphone. As far as I know, AE2w is still on sale now as the new SoundTrue branding still has no Bluetooth option.

Just like Bose AE2, Bose SoundTrue Around-Ear headphones is a super comfortable headphones. It’s very lightweight I can almost forget that it’s on my head. According to Bose website, the total weight (including cable) is just 140 g. Using my own digital scale, the total weight of SoundTrue Around-Ear is just 157 g with cable, and 145 g without cable. This is still slightly heavier than the On-Ear model (111 g), but still very light compared to most other around-ear headphones.

I have tried wearing these headphones for long duration, and can firmly say that it stays comfortable even after 4 hours of usage. The sound quality is clear and detailed, but still deliver enough punch with the bass. Heavy-bass lovers will probably feeling disappointed. Pure audiophile will say the sound is not “pure” enough. But most ordinary users like myself will find the music very enjoyable. I like something that’s not too heavy, but also not too plain, and to my personal taste, Bose SoundTrue delivers what I wanted.

Compared to my Sony MDR-10RBT, Bose SoundTrue delivers a little bit more punch to the sound, making music more enjoyable. Sony MDR-10RBT has Bluetooth capability, but I test it in wired mode for fair comparison. MDR-10RBT still wins a little bit in delivering the sound detail (especially some high frequencies) and sounds a little bit more natural. I would choose Sony MDR-10RBT for listening to movie as it gives more natural impression when we hear conversations and sound effects. I would choose Bose SoundTrue Around-Ear for listening to music because it makes music more enjoyable.

The included (hard) carrying case is a good bonus, especially that the old AE2 models only include soft pouch with almost no protection at all. It helps us to carry SoundTrue On-Ear practically everywhere. It’s not as compact as the case of On-Ear model, but I can still manage to put it inside my bag.

Listening to music at home has been a delightful experience with Bose SoundTrue Around-Ear. People around me can’t hear the music I’m listening, but I can still hear some voices from out there (which is good when we’re crossing the road etc). I like to stay aware of what’s happening in my surroundings, so headphones with noise cancellation are usually not my choice.

Love this headphones so far. I think I will spend a good long hours listening to good music with this great product.