
New year has different meaning for each person. For some, it might be just an ordinary day. For others, it is a very special day worth celebrating with big parties. For me, new year is a time for reflection and self-evaluation. It is time to look back to an entire year and acknowledge our good and bad decisions, great and sad moments, failures and accomplishments. True we can always do this on any day, but choosing new year is also not a bad choice. At the very least, once it becomes a habit, it is easy to remember without having to set a reminder in our smartphones.

2014 is an extraordinary year for me. A nice year with lots of awesome moments, from the simplest little events, to some significant life-changing milestones. I influenced a lot of people and got influenced by a lot others, too. It is amazing how each detail of our life can receive great impact from our loved ones, friends, acquaintances or even random strangers we met.

Naturally, a year is not only about the good stuff. I made mistakes and bad decisions in 2014. There are countless imperfect days. But that’s okay. Because life is never about perfection. It is more about a journey of continuous self improvements.

I am thankful that 2014 has given me the opportunity to achieve a lot. Some of my new years’ resolutions back from the beginning of 2014 are actually accomplished. Some others are not quite there yet, but I have started real actions in 2014, continuing to do so throughout the year, hoping that it would be fruitful in this new year of 2015.

Let us start this wonderful year with a smile and positive mind. Challenges are ahead. Life-changing events are soon to arrive. Yet no improvements could be achieved without change. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So here I am entering 2015, stepping out of my comfort zone and trying to reach something better for myself and my family.

I wish every living being would achieve greater happiness this year, and many many years to come.