
Covered Area Problem

Covered area problem is a geometry problem represented in Cartesian product. Many rectangles are located in a two dimensional environment. Each rectangle has its upper-left coordinate and lower-right coordinate to indicate its position. One rectangle can be placed separated from other rectangles, can be placed

By |2021-09-09T10:07:42+10:0028 Jun 2005|Programming|0 Comments

Window Region

I got some incoming questions asking about how I created the heart-shaped application in VTL v2.5. So, here's the source code to make it happen. First, put this code in your OnCreate event of your main form : procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var rgnHeart: HRGN; begin

By |2021-09-09T09:52:27+10:0018 Sep 2000|Programming|0 Comments

N-Queen Problem (2)

N Queen problem is a classic constraint satisfaction problem based on chess game. The idea is how to put N numbers of Queen in N x N chessboard without giving them any chance to kill each other in one turn. This post is a continuation

By |2021-09-09T09:49:24+10:0027 Jun 2000|Programming|0 Comments
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