Noiseless is a Mac app from Macphun that promises to clean photo noise. I was skeptical at first, thinking that this is just another app that basically will do “blur” filter to my photos. However, after using their free demo, I was convinced that this app does more than just blurring our photos. The result of Noiseless algorithm is a photo clean from noise, yet the photo is still reasonable sharp.
There are 2 versions of Noiseless: the regular app and the Pro version. Regular Noiseless app can be purchased from MacPhun website or from Mac App Store for AUD 22.99. The Pro version is only available from MacPhun website and the price is AUD 67.99. For most people, regular Noiseless app should be sufficient. It provides 8 presets (lightest, light, moderate, medium, intense, strong, strongest and extreme) and we can opt to make manual adjustments to the “cleaning” parameters. The Pro version provides 10 presets and it support camera RAW. So this Pro version is more suitable for serious photographers.
One thing I like from Noiseless is its simplicity. Yes it provides presets and various settings. However, novice users can actually use this app without understanding any of its setting. When we import an image to Noiseless app, it will automatically detect which preset is the best for that photo. In my few weeks experience in using this app, the initial “auto” setting was mostly correct. There were few occasions I needed to choose a different preset to get something that looks better for my personal taste. But the auto-preset was not bad at all.
The image presented in the screenshot was taken in July 2013 from a building inside Sovereign Hill open-air museum in Victoria, Australia. Sovereign Hill is an open-air museum and historical park, situated in an early gold diggings area in Australia. The left side shows original photo with noise. The right side shows the photo after Light preset was applied. If the image that appears on this page does not give you enough detail, click on the image to show the full resolution screenshot.
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