It’s the time of the year again.
While some people choose to think that new year means getting older, I’d like to think that new year means we have gained one more year of experience and wisdom.
While some people choose to think that it’s pointless to celebrate new year, I’d like to think that human beings need something to celebrate. So it’s not about whether a day is truly special or not. As long as we can be together with people we love, spending quality time to celebrate something, then it’s worth celebrating.
While some people choose to think that fireworks are waste of money, I’d like to think that most recreational activities require money. And those money are not a waste since it does result it something: re-balancing our life. Even though this result is not something tangible, it doesn’t make it any less important. And if a display of art (fireworks) can entertain so many people, allowing them to enjoy a milestone event, then it’s something worth spending.
While some people choose to think that new year is the time to make new year resolution, I’d like to think that we don’t have to wait for any particular time to make resolution to make our life better. New day resolution seems like a better idea to me.
2013 has passed. It was not a perfect year, but it enriched my life nonetheless. I’m grateful for everything I’m blessed with, and I humbly welcome the new year of 2014 with bright hope for better life, better health and better days.
I wish every living being would achieve greater happiness this year, and many many years to come.
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