Ok, we will soon welcome 2009 in the next few hours. Is it just me, or is 2008 really feels very short?
Feels like just last week when I watched the new year fireworks with my wife, and in the next few hours, we are going to watch them again.
2008 is a tough year, yet somehow still allow me to make some accomplishments.
For the life lessons I have learned in 2008, here is my new year resolution for 2009 :
1. I will be a better man for my family. No more thinking of office work at home, no more crazy overtime, no more stress carrying from work to home. We only live once. We work to earn money, for our family, yet many people forgot this very basic reason. In the end, work became more important to them. What is so cool about perfect career if you don’t have personal life to enjoy all the money you have collected?
2. I will work more effectively. During my office hour at the office, I will spend my best offort to the company I work for. Giving my best ! Then, after the hours, my heart, my time, my attention and my mind fully belongs to my family.
3. I will not postpone. For I believe things will never become easier when we postpone.
4. I will spend more effort for health. Yes, true, the long forgotten plan to excercise will finally be executed in 2009. I’m sick of having such a weak body who can’t support my daily activities. I need to reduce weight, soon, and I need to be in a better shape of health.
5. I will re-learn Japanese.
6. I will write at least 3 new books in 2009.
Hopefully I can be strong enough to achieve all of these in 2009. ^_^ Wish me luck !
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