ios8-1iOS 8.1 brings few additional features that were not implemented in the earlier releases of iOS 8. If you still wait for a stable release of iOS 8, now is probably a good time to upgrade as most of the bugs has been ironed out by now. The latest version (8.1.1) released few days ago brings performance improvement for older devices.

So let’s have a look at the new features:

Apple Pay
This allows us to pay for purchases in normal stores using our phone. To use this feature, we need to input our credit card data into the device by taking picture of it. Currently Apple Pay is supported by hundreds of apps and retailers, but still limited in the USA.

Camera Roll is back.

Instant Hotspot
This feature allows our Macs use the Internet connection from iPhone or iPad as long as those devices are nearby. Some telco companies do not allow this feature, so they block it. If your iPhone does not allow tethering, chances are this feature is not available too.

iCloud Photo Library
Photo Stream only stores the last 1000 photos for 30 days. iCloud Photo Library will store ALL our photos, as long as we want to. However, the photos will count towards our iCloud storage. And what we get for free is just a tiny 5GB. To get bigger storage, you will need to pay extra cost per month.

SMS from Mac
This allows us to send normal SMS messages from our Mac (must run OS X Yosemite) to any phone, even to those who don’t use Apple devices.