Meross MSL450 is a smart light product. It connects via WiFi and is compatible with Apple HomeKit without additional hub unit. We can set it to various shade of white, within range of 2000~5700K, or we can set it to RGB colour mode with millions of possibilities. It can connect to 2.4GHz WiFi, but not compatible with 5GHz networks. Its size is reasonably compact, with diameter of 10cm and height of 18cm.
I saw Meross smart light MSL450 in Amazon when I was doing a little research to find a new night light. It caught my attention because of its good design, compact size, and most importantly: it does NOT come with built-in battery. Yes, it is powered by a USB-C cable, but this light would turn off as soon as we plug it off power. For devices that would stay at the same position at home, I much prefer non-battery products. This way I won’t need to replace the whole product when the battery is worn out but the rest of the components are still in perfect working condition.

There is a button on top of this light. Single press will turn it on, and then we can do more single press to cycle between pre-defined colours (that we can set from its the app). Double press will turn off the light. I love the ability to record a few favourite colours (can be white or RGB) and switch between them using the physical device, without having to reach out to my phone.
Initial set up is easy, thanks to Meross app. Connection to HomeKit is also achieved through a few taps on my phone without any difficulties. As per usual, I always check for firmware upgrade every time I set up a new smart device.
On the topic of brightness, MSL450 goes reasonably bright at 100%. It cannot be the only light in a room (especially larger rooms), but it works well as secondary light. It can be dimmed considerably, making it suitable for night light. Even 1% brightness is still a tad too bright for my personal preference of night light, but it is almost ideal level of brightness for kids’ room.
A good and simple product that delivers what it promises. Happy with this purchase and will continue to use it in the long run.
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