
Getting a new shiny WiFi router is fun. Having to redo all the settings is not. So I got myself a refurbished Apple AirPort Time Capsule 2 TB from Apple Online Store because I think the offered price was really really good. I was originally contemplating to get a new AirPort Extreme to replace my aging AirPort Extreme from previous generation. Thanks to me being slow and indecisive, someone got the it first. Lucky that in few hours they added something new: a Time Capsule with 2 TB storage, only $50 more expensive than the price of refurbished AirPort Extreme that I almost bought, clearly a better deal.

The new AirPort Time Capsule arrived. I was too busy to set it up and decided my old AirPort Extreme can still survive another week. Then it repeats to another week, and another. Until 2 months were passed. All because I thought the process of setting up the new WiFi router will cost me long hours.

I was very wrong. I should have googled it first, or at least had a look on my AirPort Utility app.

So to transfer all settings from one AirPort Extreme or Time Capsule to another, all we need to do is using configuration file. Export the configuration file from old router, then import it into the new one. Or, in more detailed steps:

1. Open AirPort Utility app from your Mac computer (it can be found from Utilities folder). Select the old router displayed there

2. Click on File > Export Configuration File and save the configuration file in a safe location.

3. Turn off the old router then turn on the new one.

4. Set up the new router using the bare minimum settings (it will be overridden later so don’t worry so much about this).

5. Click on File > Import Configuration File and use it to load the configuration file we just saved earlier from the old router.

That’s it, simple and easy. I needed to change the name of my device from AirPort Extreme to AirPort Time Capsule because that’s my new router. Other that that, you shouldn’t need to change any other settings. I am not 100% if these steps will also work for Apple AirPort Express. If you do try, please let me know.